Though it’s easy to explain psychosis by saying you lose touch with reality, that doesn’t begin to express its complex symptoms or the devastating impact on your health, wellness, and quality of life. Our providers at Ease Psychiatry provide exceptional treatment for psychosis, offering intensive therapy, antipsychotic medications, family support, and coordinated care with community services. To schedule an in-person or telemedicine appointment, call the office in Duncanville, Texas, Vancouver, Washington and Dike, Iowa or use the online booking feature today.
While psychosis may appear as one of many symptoms in the conditions listed above, it’s the primary symptom of schizophrenia.
People with schizophrenia go through episodes of active disease followed by periods of remission with few symptoms. During active schizophrenic episodes, you have a psychotic break.
Psychosis is a complex mental health disorder that often needs a variety of treatments and can lead to hospitalization.
Your customized treatment focuses on your unique needs and typically includes cognitive behavioral therapy (or another type of psychotherapy) together with antipsychotic medications.
Your therapist may also recommend coaching to support your success at school or work, as well as family education or group therapy.
If you need comprehensive care for psychosis, call Ease Psychiatry or book an appointment online today.